Prof. (Dr.) Ranbir Singh founding vice-chancellor of the National University of Law
According to the article published under the name: «The Constitution of India» it is possible to say that Hindus know how to integrate into the values of a Republic, all personal guarantees, including the religious principles of the various faiths, with the aim of ensuring permanent social peace.No less important in this context is to note the great work that is carried out in Law Schools, especially in New Dheli University.
Prof. (Dr.) Ranbir Singh is the founding Vice Chancellor of the National Law University, Delhi, at the «International Conference on Digital Transformation: Preservation, Policies and Privacy», stated that the legal library in a law university occupies a central place, because it allows to enrich the consultant on the state of the art in matters of law. The professor assures that: » in the legal industries in India, there is a high focus on research studies, this is because we have been developing a state of the art library, in which we have about 60,000 books, which are an important database, that any of the best universities in the world would have”.
It is about emphasizing from the vice chancellery of the National University of Law, in Delhi, a culture of research, which encourages students to require an approach to the library from the first year of their learning, where students must comply with the delivery of a research project with more than 30 requirements, for each course they take, in each semester.
Thus, the professor explains “for example, we have 5 courses each semester and each course has to carry out a research project of 30 points, and which end in the fifth year, that means that when they graduate they have carried out 50 research projects, in all these study subjects, and they not only prepare these works, they also present them in class ”. In other words, each individual investigation is exposed in front of the class, giving relevance not only to the exploration work but also to the dissemination and communication work. The National Law University library supplies primary and secondary data to all students, including high-tech software for conducting research.
Without a doubt this important work is due to the management of Dr. Akash Singh whom I have known since 2013 when we had the opportunity to meet in Barcelona Spain during the Annual Course on International Law organized by the International Association of Law Libraries and Dr Priya Rai whom I met during the International Conference on Digital Transformation organized by Delhi National Law University in December 2018.
Facultat de Dret de la Universitat de Barcelona, España 2013
Both Dr. Singh and Dr. Priya Rai are in charge of the University of New Delhi’s law library, and it would not be possible to fail to mention them for their work in both disseminating and managing the public domain information of national and international law.
National Law University Delhi, India. 2018
I am aware that they will soon be publishing a very important book that is very relevant from the point of view of access to information and research in laws, I have no doubt that subject matter experts as well as neophytes will benefit. The book also includes the interest of educators and public policy makers, among others.In particular, I can say that both Dr. Singh and Dr. Rai are eminences in the knowledge of these topics, and that their book «Public digital estate, Role of Commons in Legal Education and Research» soon to be published will bring the clarity that many people around these issues have not been finding.
Digital Public Estate: Role of Commons in Legal Education and Research
So the book Digital Public Estate: Role of Commons in Legal Education and Research is a very timely publication.
Everyone knows that the beginning of the year 2020 is very crucial and that the world is struggling with a deadly viral disease called COVID 19. Educators, students, and researchers widely need sources of information that can be accessed from a desktop at home.
This work contains the best open access resources available in the public domain and useful for law and social science information.
There we will find web portals of parliamentary sources, legislative sources, judicial pronouncements, law reform reports, academic articles based on magazines; e-books have been produced efficiently for greater visibility of web portals and for better use of that available information.
During my visit to India and my meeting with Akash and Priya, I noticed that they made very interesting publications regarding the development of public domain resources and also three web portals entirely designed and maintained by them, for community service.
Antonio Martín Román
National Law University Delhi, India. 2018
I am referring to where they are tagged the best known web resources that are useful for legal education and research; that has indexing web portals where it is posible to access millions of books, magazines, reports and results of institutional research and where people can view electronic books published by various publishers.
Honestly, it has been a great privilege and honor to receive a call, as has been my case, to extend the intellectual work reflected in the aforementioned book by both authors.

- Library New Delhi University in Law.
- Dr Akash interview on you tube. Disponible en:
- Biblioteca digital mundial.
- University of Delhi
- “El escritor original de la Constitución». Me ve la India. 13/08/2011. Consultado el 7 de marzo de 2020.
- Sofia, P., & Panikulangara, P. T. (2009). Origen y desarrollo de la Constitución de la India. Un ejemplo de equilibrio entre tradición religiosa y laicismo. Frónesis, 16(1) disponible en
- Polis (2016). Revista latinoamericana Noviolencia, resistencias transformaciones culturales, N 43. Disponible en
- Revista historia y Vida (2016). 8 Características de la ciudad de Mohenjo-Daro. (n/a) Num. 493. Disponible en
- La India, un país de Contrastes (2016). Sociedad Gráfica de la India BLOG(n/a). Disponible en
- Román, A. (2019). Imaginarios sociales de exreclusos sobre la lectura y el sentido de la vida: la función de la biblioterapia en personas privadas de su libertad (tesis doctoral). Universidad Argentina John F. Kennedy, Argentina. Pág. 205-206
Cómo citar este artículo Formato APA
Román, A. M. (2020). Indian Rights – Second Part: The Constitution of India [día, mes, año de la consulta on line]