A continuación comparto el prólogo para el libro «Public digital estate, Role of Commons in Legal Education and Research» cuyos autores Dr. Priya Rai y Dr. Akash Singh tuvieron la deferencia de invitarme a escribir.

Let me take privilege to introduce myself first. I am Dr. Antonio Martin Roman and I am Coordinator of the Legal Libraries Network in Argentina, Chief of the Library of the Ministry of Justice and the Human Rights, Argentine Republic. It s very much honour to write preface for such a valuable publication awaking awareness about public digital assets in the form of public domain or open access information resources very much useful for educational, research and policy making process.
I know Dr. Akash Singh since 2013 when we got an opportunity to meet with each other at Barcelona Spain during Annual Course of International Law organised by International Association of Law Libraries. I got chance to meet Dr. Priya Rai during International Conference on Digital Transformation organised by National Law University Delhi in December 2018. I noticed a great dedication and coordination of both Dr. Priya Rai and Dr. Akash Singh during the event for connecting verity group of scholars, advocates, law faculty, law librarians and information science practitioners. During plenty of discussions on open access and public domain resources useful for legal research, I got to know about the deep research of authors in the field.
The book Digital Public Estate: Role of Commons in Legal Education and Research is a very timely publication. Everybody knows the beginning of the year 2020 is a v a very crucial and the world is fighting with a deadly viral based disease called COVID 19. The educationists, students and researchers extensively need information sources which can be accessed from the locked home table. The piece of work contains best possible open access resources available under public domain useful for law and social science information needier. The book has ten chapters. The first chapter envisions concept of public domain, open access, evaluation of open access resources and explanation of relevant terms. Copyright laws and allied alternatives of creative common licenses have been debated efficiently. A timeline of open access movement around the world traces history and development measures have also been talked about. Public domain legal resources like web portals of parliamentary sources, legislative sources, judicial pronouncements, law reform reports, scholarly articles based journals; ebooks have been efficiently elaborated for greater visibility of web portals for best use of information available in respective websites.
Web-links of all major web portals which may assist for advance legal studies can be familiar with this book. I must say this book is one key to many locks to be unlocked of information treasures needed for higher education and research in law and allied field of studies. During my visit to India and meeting with Akash and Priya, I noticed a number of publications contributed by them in the development of public domain resources. I also observed three web-portals developed, designed and maintained by the author for community service. These are www.publicdomainresources.web.com tagging all best known web resources useful for legal education and research; www.openaccessresources.webs.com indexing of web portals accessing millions of books, journals, reports and institutional research outputs; and www.openaccessbooks.webs.com visualizing ebooks published under open access by various commercial as well as institutional publishers. Previous eminent works of the author are self explanatory evidences and certification that the book is a good piece of work and would certainly be resulted as key weapon for the law faculty and students.
It is a great privilege and honour to get a call to write about the intellectual work of the authors. My expertise as Coordinator of the Legal Libraries Network in Argentina and Chief of the Library of the Ministry of Justice and the Human Rights at Argentina Republic has stimulated myself to assess and evaluate the best of the work presented by the authors. I express my best crave and happiness to recommend this publication to refer by law students, graduates, practitioners, educationist and policy makers. I give my best wishes and tons of congratulations to Dr. Akash and Dr. Priya to frame such great piece of work.
Dr. Antonio Martín Román
Coordinator of the Legal Libraries Network in Argentina
Chief of the Library of the Ministry of Justice and the Human Rights, Argentine Republic

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